Whether you need to study up to pass the tests necessary for the college of your choice or simply find the right school for you, the three apps below can help. Best of all, they’re free to download. That comes in handy when you’re on a college budget.

Find Your Dream School with College Passport

College Passport by Edupath is going to help you get into college just about every step of the way. It has plenty of amazing tools for narrowing down schools and digging deeper for information, plus provides you with tasks on a monthly basis so you stay up to speed with everything you should probably be doing to prepare yourself. When you sign up for College Passport (completely free) you start off by taking a look at what it calls your path. This organizes different tasks for you by month starting with the current one, all the way up until it’s time for college. You choose ahead of time which grade you’re currently in so it’s customized to your life. The tasks include everything from picking your dream school, forming a college list, preparing to submit early applications and more. From there, you can start browsing schools. Filter them down by required SAT scores, number of students, acceptance rate and location. When you find matching schools, you can view their individual profiles to get even more information, including tips about student life, academics and reasons why you should or shouldn’t attend. Build up your college list, set goals, compare with friends and take practice SAT tests right within College Passport. The app is free for iOS.

Prepare Yourself with The SAT Question of the Day

At some point you will have to face what is arguably the worst part about trying to get into colleges: taking the SAT. Everybody is stressed, everybody is nervous, nobody is happy and nobody feels fully prepared. At least help yourself feel a little bit more prepared every day by downloading The SAT Question of the Day. Directly from CollegeBoard, the app provides you with a single SAT question every day to answer in either reading, math or writing. Tip: It might not seem like a lot but even if you start using the app daily, a year before you have to take your SATs, that’s 365 different possible SAT questions you gained knowledge of in time for your testing date. The app lets you ask for hints and also gives explanations about right and wrong answers. If you’re still struggling, you can use the practice resources for more help. Finally, when you’re ready, check out the SAT registration dates in app to get more information about fees and registration. The SAT Question of the Day is free on both iOS and Android.

Study for Just About Everything Else with Quizlet

Okay, so you picked your top school, you took the SATs and you finally have a pretty good idea of where you’re attending college. Unfortunately, the studying doesn’t end there – in fact, it’s just the beginning. Before you even start taking any classes, know the transition from high school to college can often be very jarring even if you’re seemingly picking up where you left off. Stay one step ahead of the game by giving yourself a personal refresher course with Quizlet. The app features millions of user-submitted flash card packs on just about any subject you can think of. You can quickly access them and study for yourself, plus create and submit your own packs as well. More than that, you can even play study games, take quizzes and join “classes” of people all studying for the same subjects. Millions of students are already members of Quizlet and it’s totally free for iOS and Android.

Apps for College

The three apps above – College Passport, The SAT Question of the Day and Quizlet – provide extensive tools to help you make the most of the college admissions process. Plenty of apps already exist for keeping you afloat during your years in college, but getting in alone is stressful enough. The apps are all free so give them a try if you’re struggling. The above article may contain affiliate links which help support Guiding Tech. However, it does not affect our editorial integrity. The content remains unbiased and authentic.

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